Sunday, March 16, 2025

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Setool2 Card Update Information and TroubleShooting

2:10 AM |

how to update setool2 card ? what do i need ?


to update setool2 card, you need valid setool2 account, normal internet connection ( NOT proxy ), open TCP ports 443,1934

put updater ( ) in setool2 directory, it will auto read settings from setool2.ini.

Or extract it to any desired directory and fill username,password,server manually.

server address is:
on "operations" tab select with mouse click reader with setool2 card.
( remove all smartcards from pc except setool2 one in order to avoid misunderstanding )

you will get "Ready to work" text.
press "update card" button only after you get that.

if your setool2 card not activated ( you can NOT use setool2 version > 1.01 )
you need 20 credits for initial card update.

if your card eligible for update, you will see following text:
setool2 SmartCard updater [0.92]

server read: ""
username read: "update_test"

Please click on reader with setool2 SmartCard.
Ready to work
SmartCard update started.....
CARD SERIAL: 12345678
Checking with server...
setool2 card not activated, credits will be used......
Update completed
you will get usual "no credits" message in case if you do not have needed credits amount.

in time after time, we will update setool2 smartcard, corresponding notice will be posted in news.
for normal update you do not need any credits, but valid setool2 account required.
if your card eligible for normal update, you will see following text:
setool2 SmartCard updater [0.92]

server read: ""
username read: "update_test"

Please click on reader with setool2 SmartCard.
Ready to work
SmartCard update started...
CARD SERIAL: 12345678
Checking with server.........
Update completed
if card already updated, you will get following text:
SmartCard update started...
CARD SERIAL: 12345678
Checking with server.
cmd err: [request denied]
if you getting that text and your card NOT updated, you should post request in that thread with ONLY your account username and setool2 card, admin will check issue and write resolution.

most bad thing that can happen:

if you will get next results
SmartCard update started.....
CARD SERIAL: 00xxxxxxx
Checking with server......
auth #1 err: 6982
that means your card was permanently tampered by some tools and you stuck to v1.106
nothing can be done at all.

please note, that after initial update you can only use setool2 version >= v1.107

how to activate LGTool ? what do i need ?

to activate LGTool, you need valid setool2 account, normal internet connection ( NOT proxy ), open TCP ports 443,1934
you do not need to have setool2 credits on account.
you should buy activation from LGTool reseller first for your setool2 card.

put attached updater in setool2 directory ( it will auto read settings from setool2.ini )
or extract it to any desired directory and fill username,password,server manually.

server address is:
on "operations" tab select with mouse click reader with setool2 card.
( remove all smartcards from pc except setool2 one in order to avoid misunderstanding )

you will get "Ready to work" text.
Then press "Activate LGTool" button

if your card eligible for activation, you will get next text:

you need to buy LGtool activation before attempt to activate LGtool.
Otherwise you will get "request denied" error. That is absolutely normal in that case.

setool2 SmartCard updater [0.92]

server read: ""
username read: "update_test"

Please click on reader with setool2 SmartCard.
Ready to work
Checking with server..
LG application activated

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Salman said...

if you face any problem like Smar Card Error contect with me
Y Messanger"
sonork: 100-1601293"

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