Gevey Sim Iphone4 100% working solution
Gevey SIM For iPhone 4 Description:
A SIM card hack down as Gevey has been released to unlock the iPhone 4 running the latest iOS 4.3 software and baseband.
The hack involves a wafer thing SIM, that needs to be inserted in the SIM card tray along with the actual SIM card that you wish to use in your iPhone 4.
You then have to follow a short procedure of dialling an emergency number, hanging up, then toggling flight mode on and off a few times. Then service with your chosen provider magically appears.
What is Gevey SIM?
Gevey SIM - It is actually not a sim. It is a sim interposer.
An interposer is an electrical interface that directs the connection from one socket to another.
The purpose of a sim interposer in this case is tore-route a connectionto a different connection which can then unlock the iphone 4.
Gevey SIM SIM Interposer is an integrated circuit which contains the unlock exploit using emergency number dialing [112].
Here’s what to do to unlock:
1. Switch off your iPhone 4.
2. Place the SIM into the holder and put your micro-SIM on the top.
3. Insert it in your iPhone 4 and switch on your iPhone 4.
4. The status bar will displays “No Signal”. Wait until it appears the signal strength indicator.
5. Dial 112 (an emergency number), as you connect with the call, disconnect it after 2 seconds.
6. Go to Settings and select Airplane Mode on, and switch it off again.
7. iPhone 4 will displays the message “Error SIM-card” and then “No SIM-card inserted”.
8. Click OK, and again turn on Airplane Mode and switch it off again.
9. Message “Error SIM-card” reappears, but after a couple of seconds the signal will show up. Your iPhone should now be unlocked.
After all the steps above, if there is still no signal, power off your iPhone, switch it back on and repeat all the steps from the beginning.
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