Unlock 4.3.2 iPhone 4 3GS
Ultrasn0w Fixer 4.3.2
Ultrasn0w Fixer 4.3.2
Ultrasn0w fixer for iOS 4.3.2 has been released to make ultrasn0w 1.2.1 work with iOS 4.3.2 untethered jailbreak to unlock iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS with old basebands.
Supported basebands:
01.59.00 / 04.26.08 / 05.11.07 / 05.12.01 / 05.13.04 / 06.15.00
Unsupported basebands :
02.10.04 / 03.10.01 / 04.10.01 / 05.14.02 / 05.15.04 / 05.16.02
iPhone 3GS users:
You have to jailbreak your iPhone on 6.15.00 basebands on iOS 4.1 / 4.2.1.
Step 1: Now you have to jailbreak your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS on the latest iOS 4.3.2,
Step 2: Open Cydia on your iPhone 4 or 3GS
Step 3: Go to Manage->Sources

Enter the following repo http://djayb6.com

Step 6: Search for “ultrasn0w fixer for 4.3.2” in Cydia and install this application. This app will automatically unlock your iPhone so that you can use it with any carrier.

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