The Long Wait is finally over...
ATF Team Launches the New ATF Network with Cutting Edge Services
that will help you become a step ahead of your competition.

[Super Dongle Repair for ALL SL3 Phones]
ATF Team is Proud to present to you SL3 Super Dongle Repair for
ALL BB5 Phones in the Market via the "Phone Authorization" Service
offered by The ATF Network (FBUS Cable Required).
This Unique service allows you to Fix Super Dongle problems on ALL
BB5 Phones and it will even allow you FULLY DOWNGRADE any BB5 Phone to any compatible Firmware Version you want.
All you need is to activate your ATF Network account and start using
ATF Credits so you can finally Repair all the NEW Phones in the Market!!!
[SX-4 Stand Alone for ALL SL3 Phones]
Through the "Phone Authorization" Service of The ATF Network, you can also enjoy stand Alone SX-4 Authorization for ALL SL3 Phones in the market.
What is Phone Authorization?

Phone Authorization is a Service Offered by The ATF Network that will
allow you to utilize more Repair Options for ALL SL3 Phones in the Market.
Once a Phone is "Authorized", Super Dongle Repairs and SX-4 Authorizationcan be performed via Stand Alone Mode.
Which Phones are supported?
All BB5 Phones are supported, but currently it only supports FBUS Connection.
USB Connection "may" be supported in the future, but we still do not have a definite date for this to happen.
Is the "Phone Authorization" Service Free?
No, it is not free. You need to purchase ATF Credits from your nearest
ATF Reseller.
You will first need to Create an ATF Network Account, then you can start using our Phone Authorization service for merely 5 Credits Per Phone. (5 credits is about 5 USD).
So ALL phones needs to be Authorized now?
No, you ONLY NEED to Authorize the New BB5 Phones which have New HASHES that are NOT Supported by any other Team in the world. If your phone is using OLD HASH, then you can still work with it without paying forAuthorization.
Why do I need to pay for this service? I want free!!!
If you promise to Repair all your Customer's Phones for FREE, then we
will give you a free Activation for the ATF Network and some FREE Credits so you can Authorize Phones for free. But do not forget, you also need to repair ALL PHONES in your shop for FREE! Do you agree? Email us if you agree to repair phones for Free.
How Many times do I need to Authorize the Phone?
You only need to Authorize the phone 1 time. Once it is authorized, you
no longer need to perform authorization again.
Can you repair Simlocks and IMEI from 100% erased SL3 and SIMLOC30 phones?
No. We cannot repair or rebuild Simlocks for SL3 and SIMLOC30 phones. You can only repair these phones if you have a PM 120 Backup and an RPL Backup.
Can I SD Repair and Authorize new SIMLOC30 phones?
YES, YES, YES... The ATF Network Supports ALL BB5 Phones in the Market.
You just need to use FBUS Connection if you want to Authorize Phones.
Which NEW HASHES are currently Supported by The ATF Network?
The ATF Network currently supported ALL 22 New HASHES released
as of March 1, 2011.
OLD HASHES are also supported, but you DO NOT NEED The ATF Network for OLD HASHES!!!

How much do I need to pay to Activate my ATF Network Account?
You need 99 Credits = 99 USD to Activate your ATF Network Account.
Then you will only need to spend 5 Credits (5 USD) for EACH Phone you want to Authorize.

Do I need Internet Connection to connect to the ATF Network?
Of course dear :O) But the good news is, after you have successfully
Authorized your phone, you do not need the internet connection anymore
to perform SD Repairs and SX4 Authorization. It will be Stand Alone.
How long do I need to wait before my phone is Authorized?
Average time is 10 to 20 seconds, depending on your Internet Connection.
Ok last question, do you support the E7-00 which is the NEWEST BB5 Phone in the Market?
Yes, E7-00 HASH is supported by The ATF Network... However, you first need to find an FBUS Cable for E7-00 beause The ATF Network DOES NOT SUPPORT USB Connection as of the moment.
USB Connection will be supported in the future, but we cannot give you an actual date on when it will be released.
Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?

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